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Tips on How to Organize Your Junk Drawers

Photo credit: Getty Images It’s probably time to revisit your junk drawer. Not to grab your go-to tube of lip balm or a piece of gum, but to finally organize it. Before we move forward and tackle your junk drawer, let’s do a little historical rewind. References to a junk drawer date as far back as 1901, when a short story in The Michigan Alumnus mentioned &l...

Should You Rent Out or List Homes for Sale in California?

  Photo Credit: Envato Is it better to rent out or list homes for sale in California? You’d be surprised how much this question comes up. There’s no denying that property is a solid investment. But when you’ve generated enough wealth to consider retiring your primary residence to an investment property, it’s time to make that crucial choice. Is it more lucrati...

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Tips For Organizing

Photo credit: Getty Images It’s probably time to revisit your junk drawer. Not to grab your go-to tube of lip balm or a piece of gum, but to finally organize it. Before we move forward and tackle your junk drawer, let’s do a little historical rewind. References to a junk drawer date as far back as 1901, when a short story in The Michigan Alumnus mentioned &l...

4 Habits That Will Keep You Oranized

Photo credit: Getty Images Once you’ve put in some effort, elbow grease, and a couple of hours into organizing your home, the hard part is keeping it organized. And why is it that it’s so much easier to clutter up a space again than to declutter it? Life gets busy and suddenly you’re shoving things into a closet or junk drawer, letting your “clothes...

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Deep Cleaning In Preparation To Sell

Often times potential homeowners are overwhelmed when an agent walks in the door and starts spouting off a laundry list of things to do to get a home ready for sale. I like to provide a practical list, but even this can cause a seller distress. What's essential is to advise the client with a strategy that will work best for them when getting a home ready for market. Not every sell...