After a journey filled with patience perseverance, resilience, high energy, letters, cards, and post cards mailed out to the community, phone calls, open houses, commitment, and determination, we’re thrilled to announce that this stunning Rossmoor home is officially In Escrow! After numerous open houses, countless showings, and plenty of ups and downs, the perfect buyer finally...
- calendar_month February 21, 2025
- category Current Real Estate, JANIE BRUCE, My Listings, Real Estate
- post 2025, 2952 Bostonian Dr Rossmoor, Anaheim, Buena Park, Buyer Consultation, Buyers, buying, California, California Real Estate, Cypress, Home Sellers, Huntington Beach, Janie Bruce, Janie Bruce real estate insights, Janie_MyListing_LosAlamitos, Janie_MyListing_Rossmoor, Lakewood, Long Beach, Los Alamitos, Orange County, Orange County real estate, Rossmoor, Seal Beach, Selling, Sold Journey with Janie