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10 Romantic Outdoor Restauants

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and thanks to Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent lifting of the stay-at-home order, Angelenos have a plethora of dining options to celebrate Saint Valentine. VDay 2021 may not resemble the lover’s days of old, but thankfully there are many restaurants offering al fresco dining that exude romance. So, whether you’re in the mood for a ...

8 Must-Watch Movies Premiering March 2021

  Love Movies?   From hotly anticipated sequels to innovative originals, there are plenty of great films debuting on screens small and large next month. That’s why we put together a solid list of 8 must-watch movies premiering in March 2021: 1) Godzilla vs. King Kong When: March 31st Where: In Theaters and HBO Max Streaming App   With an estimated $...

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California Re-Opening Soon: Are We Ready?

  As we approach the so-called Covid-versary, California appears to be inching towards a full reopening. But an important question looms: Are we ready? Yes, the number of vaccinated residents across the state continues to rise. Plus the recent approval of the Johnson & Johnson single-use vaccine brings more good news in the ever-evolving fight against this epidemic. Ho...

California Opens Vaccine Eligibility to People 16 and Older Starting April 15

Good Morning,   The rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines in California has been challenging, to put it mildly. The FDA issued an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) for the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine on December 11, 2020. Days later they did the same for the Moderna vaccine and immunizations for healthcare workers and the elderly began. But the distribution of these vaccines has been ham...

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Bars are Back. Where to Sip Safely Outdoors in LA

Hello, Our JohnHart team wrote this and sharing.   As vaccination eligibility changes and the hope of reopening inches desperately closer, Californians will soon be able to change where they wet their whistle. While many locations remain closed, a smattering of great bars are back in action all across Los Angeles. Sipping a tasty beverage indoors may soon be pos...

7 Things to Do in Los Angeles and Orange County This 4th of July

July 4th is quickly approaching, and you’re probably starting to think about your plans. With Los Angeles businesses slowly re-opening, you may be wondering what festivities will look like on Independence Day this year. Well, after a year of staying inside, we’re happy to say that there are a whole lot of fun events to look forward to! Here are a few of our favorite things to do in ...

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Effortless Ways to Enjoy A Relaxing Staycation This Summer

First, get in staycation mode   Before your staycation officially begins, you need to get in the right headspace! Get excited to treat yourself to a little fun and a little rest. You wouldn’t want to clean or pay the bills during a vacation, right? So do your errands, grocery shop, and tidy up your home beforehand. Pick up some little luxury items like a nicer-than-usual bottle...