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Want Safer Streets? Order Your Free Safe and Slow Yard Signs

Slow Down Signs are available for you. We don’t need to tell you that there’s a lot to love about Orange County and Los Angeles.     But no matter what draws you to the cultural mecca of America, it’s a safe bet it isn’t the traffic situation. We have to get serious for a minute and point out that OC & LA could do much better when it comes to p...

The Importance of Making It Through a Contingency Period With Both Sides Smiling

Ideally, we’d like to work in a real estate industry in which everybody wins. Easier said than done. But contingencies, when used in good faith, help us get closer to that goal. What are contingencies? Basically, they’re conditions that can be placed on a transaction that, if not met, invalidate the transaction. This definition probably paints more of an “everybody l...

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September Absorption Rate Cypress 90630

Numbers don’t lie. We wish we could say the same for headlines. In our quest for transparency, we’re going to be bringing you monthly updates on the health of the real estate market with our Absorption Rate Analysis. We hear a lot about “fewer homes hitting the market”, but this hasn’t been our personal experience. We still see a very healthy market in the nei...

Halloween & 6 Dangerous Candies For Dogs

The annual Shoreline Village Long Beach Zombie Walk Halloween Spooktacular will weave its magic in Shoreline Village, Saturday October 29th, 4-10pm. Who knows what devilish fun lurks in the shadows of Long Beach after dark?  No matter how much they beg, your dog should not get treats out of the Halloween candy bowl. Generally, it isn’t a good idea to share any candy with your pet ...

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California’s Governor Newsom Signs Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention Bills Into Law

Imagine rushing out to your car in the early hours of the morning, the workday looming ahead of you. You toss your jacket and belongings in the passenger seat, flop down in front of the wheel, crank the ignition and… you’re met with a sound similar to a jet plane firing up its engines. But you drive a Prius. You’re the latest victim of catalytic converter pirates. Car trouble...

Go For a Great Return with Next Gen Pickleball

Who's up for a Courtside for a Night of Pickleball and Networking?  ACG Orange County is the trusted and respected source for connecting with middle-market dealmakers and business leaders who invest in growth and build companies. Face-to-face events, online tools, structured networking opportunities, exclusive member benefits and leading-edge market intelligenc...

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Curb Appeal Is a Huge Selling Factor; Landscaping Tips

If you're planning on selling in the near future, its very important to prep your landscaping before putting your home on the market. Curb appeal is a HUGE selling factor, and many people won't even bother looking inside if the outside is underwhelming.    For a relatively low cost, you can transform your home's exterior by adding new flowering plants,, new mulch, ...

The Fall Social Networking Event With Professionals

You are invited!!! I’m hosting my first Fall Social Networking Community event for professionals alike. We plan to have live music, food and drinks with all the professionals we do business with. October 27, 2022  5:00pm-8:00pm  More surprises to follow.  As the real estate market transitions, I encourage you to consult with me for information, options, and...