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I wanted to share some exciting news that could benefit you if you're considering a move. California's Proposition 60 and Proposition 90 offer significant property tax relief for homeowners aged 55 or older. Here's how you can take advantage of these propositions:
Proposition 60
Stay in the Same County: If you are 55 or older, you can transfer your current property tax base to a new home within the same county, potentially saving thousands in property taxes. The new home must be of equal or lesser value than your current home.
Proposition 90
Move to a Different County: This proposition allows you to transfer your property tax base to a new home in a different county, as long as the new county participates in the program. This gives you the flexibility to move closer to family or to a more desirable location while maintaining your current tax base.
Why Now?
With interest rates going down, there is a tremendous amount of activity in the real estate market. We have many buyers eagerly waiting to purchase homes. This is the perfect opportunity to discuss the possible sale of your home. By leveraging Prop 60/90, you can enjoy significant savings and make your next move more financially advantageous.
Let's Discuss Your Options
I am always here to help you and many communities navigate this process and make the best decision for your future. If you're interested in learning more about how Prop 60/90 can benefit you or if you're considering selling your home, please call me anytime and let's talk 714-310-4982..
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"Plan for what is difficult when it's easy, do what is great while it's small. The most difficult things in the world are done when they are easy, the greatest things in the world are done when they are still small". - Sun Tzu