- calendar_month February 5, 2023
- folder Absorption Rate
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2023, Absorption Rate, Bruce Real Estate, Buena Park, Buyers, Cypress, Cypress 90630, Home Sellers, Huntington Beach, Janie Bruce, Lakewood, Long Beach, Los Alamitos, Orange County, Orange County real estate, real estate, Rossmoor, Selling
In Cypress, there are 16 active and 5 homes sold in January 2023 with an average 9 days on the market, at a median selling price $910,000. That's an absorption rate of 31%. Anything over 20% means a healthy market.
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* As a Bonus Included a link to my website for Professional Resources I Trust. If you know someone who is a 'Rock Star' and would like to be included on my 'I Trust Them' page, please provide their information and I will contact them.